
Imaging the Quark Gluon Plasma


  • Call:

    IDPASC Portugal - PHD Programme 2014

  • Academic Year:

    2014 /2015

  • Domains:

    Theoretical Particle Physics | Experimental Particle Physics

  • Supervisor:

    José Guilherme Milhano

  • Co-Supervisor:

  • Institution:

    Instituto Superior Técnico

  • Host Institution:


  • Abstract:

    The quark gluon plasma created in ultrarelativistic collisions of heavy ions offers unique opportunities to explore the dynamics of strongly coupled systems. The possibility to experimentally measure at the LHC detailed properties of jets in the heavy ion environment has triggered growing interest in the development of theoretical techniques that can provide a bridge between observation of modifications of jet properties to specific characteristics of the quark gluon plasma. This projects aims at providing detailed spatio-temporal images of the quark gluon plasma obtained from the properties of the jets that propagate within.