
Galactic stellar populations and planet formation with the Gaia-ESO Survey data


  • Call:

    IDPASC Portugal - PHD Programme 2014

  • Academic Year:

    2014 /2015

  • Domain:


  • Supervisor:

    Sérgio Sousa

  • Co-Supervisor:

  • Institution:

    Universidade do Porto

  • Host Institution:

    Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

  • Abstract:

    The on-going Gaia-ESO Survey is a very ambitious project which uses ESO/VLT to obtain detailed spectra of about 100000 stars from all the Galactic stellar populations. We propose to use the data from this survey (for which we have privileged access) to study the chemical and kinematic properties of stellar populations. The goal is to understand the formation and evolution of the distinct populations that we can identify with the data. In addition, we propose to investigate the observed planet hosting stars to understand possible links between the different stellar populations and planet formation processes. This latter study should help us to better estimate the frequency of the different type of planets for each stellar population and in our Galaxy in general.