New physics signals with extended Higgs/lepton sectors
IDPASC Portugal - PHD Programme 2015
Academic Year:
2015 / 2016
Theoretical Particle Physics
Filipe Joaquim
Juan Antonio Aguilar-Saavedra
Instituto Superior Técnico
Host Institution:
Instituto Superior Técnico
The most successful achievement in recent years in particle physics has been the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). So far, all measurements related with the Higgs are in good agreement with the standard model (SM) with one Higgs doublet. Still, there are presently hints pointing to possible deviations from the SM predictions at the 2-3 sigma level. The most recent one is the measurement by the CMS Collaboration of a flavour-changing decay H -> tau mu with a rate of 0.89 +- 0.4 %, around 2.5 standard deviations above the (basically zero) prediction of the SM. Apart from this, several other excesses in multi-lepton final states at the 2-3 sigma level may point to extended scalar or lepton sectors. With the restart of the upgraded LHC, these signals will be either confirmed (therefore providing irrefutable signals of new physics beyond the SM) or disproved (imposing stronger constraints in new physics models). The present proposal aims at investigating possible evidences of new physics in the framework of theoretical scenarios with extended scalar and/or lepton sectors, in the light of experimental information obtained by experiments operating at the energy and intensity frontiers, like the LHC (or future colliders) and flavour physics facilities. Besides acquiring a strong background in theoretical particle physics and a capability of designing new observables and developing new methods, the student will master several simulation and data analysis techniques. The research programme will be carried out under the supervision of F.R. Joaquim from IST and J. A. Aguilar-Saavedra from the University of Granada. Although the host institution will be IST, the candidate will spend periods of time at the University of Granada during the course of the PhD programme. The results obtained from the candidate’s research will be published in high-impact peer-review journals and presented in international scientific events.