Fragmentation and radiation instabilities in high-mass star formation
IDPASC Portugal - PHD Programme 2015
Academic Year:
2015 / 2016
Nanda Kumar
Universidade do Porto
Host Institution:
Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço
The formation of high mass stars is an yet to be understood, crucial, missing link impeding a paradigm of star formation in astrophysics. Theoretical advances are impressive, the observational challenges are tough. The goal of this project will be to push the state-of-the-art technological advances in astrophysical instrumentation to its limits to dissect high-mass star forming regions to study two details: a) fragmentation and its consequences, and b) radiation Rayleigh-Taylor instability candidates. The observational study will be used to confront outcomes of 3D numerical simulations and to test competing models of high mass star formation. This project will involve using the VLT and ALMA facilities and working in the infrared and (sub)millimeter astronomy. A prospective student will have a strong foundation in undergraduate level physics and an exposure to methods in observational astronomy. A knowledge of programming, usage of astronomy data reduction softwares will be considered advantageous.