Gran Sasso Hands-on 2023 is an autumn school offering Ph.D. students the unique opportunity of being directly involved in the research project activities at the Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso of INFN (LNGS), the world-leading laboratory for underground physics, astroparticle physics, and nuclear astrophysics.

The hands-on program will focus on:

    General Relativity
    Cosmic-ray physics
    Dark matter searches
    Neutrino physics
    Nuclear astrophysics
    Space-based detectors

Students will be involved in a 10 day experimental project, in groups of 1-3 students per activity, under the supervision of the LNGS, GSSI and UnivAq scientists, with the goal of designing and performing a scientific experiment. A series of introductory lectures held by renowned field experts will provide the needed background for the proposed activities.

The school is limited to 40 participants.
Application is now open.

The School participation fee is € 1000,00 (VAT included).
Included in the fee are: registration, lunches, coffee breaks, accommodation, all social activities, and daily transportation from hotels to LNGS.
Dinners (with the exception of the Social Dinner) and travel expenses from/to L'Aquila are NOT included and belongs to the participant.
Accommodation will be provided in L'Aquila downtown hotels in shared double rooms (breakfast included). Rooms will be available from September 24 to October 6 (12 nights).