The Lectures of the Course will be given by Professor Louis Lyons, (Imperial College - London), who will be assisted by Dr. Pedrame Bargassa (LIP - Lisbon).
- Introduction to Statistics
- Learning to love the error matrix
- Parameter determination by likelihood
- Chi-Squared & Goodness of fit
- Discovery & p-Values
10h-12h Lectures
14h-15h Exercices
On the 27th October, at 11h30, Professor Louis Lyons will also give a Colloquium at LIP.
Title & abstract of the colloquium:
These two very different approaches to analysing data are described and contrasted, using examples both from every-day life and from the world of Physics. Their interpretations of 'probability' are contrasted. When used for determining parameters of a theory, cases where the resulting answers differ significantly are described. Finally, a summary is given of the differences between the Bayesian and Frequentist approaches.
Registration / Grants
Registration from the 1st September until the 15th October
The registration for the Statistics Course is open from the 1st September until the 15th October.
Due to space conditions the number of registrations will be limited.
Application for Grants until 30th September
A limited amount of grants covering partially the fee will be available for IDPASC students. The grant will not cover travel expenses.
To apply to such a grant please send an application to with a short CV and a letter of recommendation from the supervisor no later than 30th September. The evaluation of the application will be communicated by the 10th October.
The fee of the school includes the lectures and the Course dinner. The fee is fixed at 150 €. For students with grant, the fee is 50€.
A certificate will be delivered after the course.
All the lectures will be held LIP:
Av. Elias Garcia
Nº 14 - R/c
1000-149 Lisbon