The IDPASC team is glad to announce that the 14th Edition of yearly IDPASC schools is organized by the "Laboratoire de Physique des 2 infinis Irène-Joliot-Curie" at the Paris Saclay university in France.

This school aims at training the next generation of physicists that will investigate open questions in the PASC domains in the coming decades. The school offers a multi-disciplinary approach that will help each student, which starts to specialize in one domain, to keep a broad view on the different PASC domains. This will be a key skill to optimally use the complementarity between different approaches to shed light on the same problems with a different angle such as Dark Matter, physics beyond the Standard Model or multi-messenger physics. On top of the main courses, the school will also propose some hands-on session in specific domains such as advanced data analysis techniques or statistics;  In addition visits of experimental infrastructures are foreseen.

The fee is 800€ and it includes accommodation and all breakfasts and dinners (except the school dinner evening) at "la clarté de Dieu", lunches when there are classes, coffee breaks, welcome cocktail, School Dinner in Paris, RER tickets for the dinner and the day's course in Paris and is to be paid via credit card for non CNRS lab members and by bank transfer for CNRS lab members.

Reduced fee for local students : 120 €. It includes coffee breaks, welcome cocktail and dinner in Paris.

Pre-registration deadline: 1st of May 2025

Final registration deadline:  15th of June 2025

The school will be limited to 35 students

Please register your application at