Symposium on Engineering Physics - Call for Abstracts
The Doctoral Congress in Engineering (DCE23) will be held at FEUP, Porto, on the 15th and 16th of June of 2023 (https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~dce/2023/).
Let us encourage you to take the opportunity and share your ongoing work and/or results - in your respective field of engineering - with peers, professors, researchers and industry, at the Congresses’ Physics Engineering Symposium (https://paginas.fe.up.pt/~dce/2023/symposia/symposium-on-engineering-physics/), organized by the Doctoral Program PRODEF (https://fe.up.pt/prodef).
The Congress welcomes PhD students/candidates, as well as Master students and researchers as prospective candidates for a doctoral program. Professors are also welcomed to see and discuss poster and oral communications. The submission of abstracts (until March 31st) will be eligible for either poster (1 page abstract) or oral presentation (2 pages abstract/short paper). The submission topics can be checked at the event’s website.
Best oral and poster communications will have the opportunity to win an award.
Registration fees will be financially supported by PRODEF and the event will be on-site. There will be funding for trips for students from other Universities, as well as for accommodation for students from far away cities (e.g. Lisbon).
The deadline for submission is March 31st.
We all look forward to seeing you in June!
Best regards,
The Organizing Committee of the Symposium on Engineering Physics
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