Applicants 1st phase - 25th March to 18th April, 17h00
All applicants have access to the proposed thesis themes in the IDPASC Portugal web site. The applicants should consult the proposed thesis themes and, in case of interest (and after register and logging in at IDPASC Network -, must apply to the theme by filling the Candidate Application form (provided by IDPASC-Portugal on-line), and by uploading the following documents:
- One CV file in pdf format
- One Motivation Letter file in pdf format
- One PDF file to include other documents that the candidate may consider relevant to the assessment of the merit mentioned in the CV (Diplomas, certificates etc..)
- Up to three contacts for reference letters
- (The reference letters will be directly uploaded by the referees. Applicants will not have access to the letters content but they will be able to check if the reference letters have been uploaded and when. The Referees can upload the letters during the whole period of the Call).
Click Apply in the thesis themes. An e-mail will be sent to both the applicant and the supervisor. Applicants should contact the supervisor/co-supervisor of the thesis theme. A communication between candidates and supervisors is of the utmost importance.
Applicants must then be confirmed by the supervisor.
Important: Applicants can only apply to one thesis, but during the 1st phase applicants can change from one theme to another, for that they should withdraw from the thesis they applied before and then apply to the other thesis, doing so will require to submit a new application and to follow the steps outlined before.
Applicants 2nd phase - 13th May to 07th June, 17h00
If the applicant was selected by the Supervisor:
The candidate should formalize his application to the grant through the My Thesis (LINK) section, providing the following documents:
- One Programme Application form (provided by IDPASC-Portugal on-line)
- One Supervisor CV in PDF format
- One Co-supervisor CV in PDF format
Important Notes:
Candidates should hold either a pre-Bologna degree, or a pre-/post-Bologna Master’s degree at the time of application. Students must complete the Master degree until 07th June, 2019.
The recognition in Portugal of higher education degrees and diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions is regulated, since January 1st 2019, by Decree-Law no. 66/2018.
More info: